Uses of Class

Packages that use TextObjectGroup

Uses of TextObjectGroup in net.nexttext

Subclasses of TextObjectGroup in net.nexttext
 class TextObjectRoot
          The TextObjectRoot is just like a regular TextObjectGroup except that it contains a reference to the Book it belongs too.

Methods in net.nexttext that return TextObjectGroup
 TextObjectGroup Book.addText(java.lang.String text, int x, int y)
          Builds a tree of TextObjects from the given string, at the specified location, using the stroke and fill colors set in the PApplet.
 TextObjectGroup Book.addText(java.lang.String text, int x, int y, int lineLength)
          Builds a tree of TextObjects from the given string, at the specified location, using the stroke and fill colors set in the PApplet.
 TextObjectGroup Book.addText(java.lang.String text, int x, int y, int lineLength, java.lang.String pageName)
          Builds a tree of TextObjects on the given Page from the given string, at the specified location, using the stroke and fill colors set in the PApplet.
 TextObjectGroup Book.addText(java.lang.String text, int x, int y, java.lang.String pageName)
          Builds a tree of TextObjects on the given Page from the given string, at the specified location, using the stroke and fill colors set in the PApplet.
 TextObjectGroup text)
 TextObjectGroup text, int x, int y)
 TextObjectGroup text, processing.core.PVector pos)
 TextObjectGroup TextObjectBuilder.buildSentence(java.lang.String text)
          Build a tree of TextObjects from the given string.
 TextObjectGroup TextObjectBuilder.buildSentence(java.lang.String text, int x, int y)
          Build a tree of TextObjects from the given sentence, at the specified location.
 TextObjectGroup TextObjectBuilder.buildSentence(java.lang.String text, int x, int y, int lineLength)
          Builds a tree of TextObjects from the given sentence, at the specified location.
 TextObjectGroup TextObjectBuilder.buildSentence(java.lang.String text, processing.core.PVector pos, int lineLength)
          Build a tree of TextObjects from the given string.
 TextObjectGroup TextObjectBuilder.getParent()
          null if there's none.
 TextObjectGroup TextObject.getParent()
          Get the parent, or null if this is the root.
 TextObjectGroup TextPage.getTextRoot()

Methods in net.nexttext with parameters of type TextObjectGroup
 void SpatialList.add(TextObjectGroup tog)
          Adds all the glyphs part of a TextObjectGroup to the spatial list.
 java.util.HashSet<TextObjectGlyph> SpatialList.getPotentialCollisions(TextObjectGroup tog)
          Given a TextObjectGroup, find all the glyphs which's bounding boxes are overlapping with any of the given group's glyphs.
 void SpatialList.remove(TextObjectGroup tog)
          Removes all the glyphs part of a TextObjectGroup from the spatial list
 void Book.removeChildren(TextObjectGroup to)
          Removes the children of this textObject from the book
 void TextObjectBuilder.setParent(TextObjectGroup parent)
          May be null to unset.