Package net.nexttext

Interface Summary
Locatable An object with a position.

Class Summary
Book The container for the NextText for Processing data and window.
CoordinateSystem A CoordinateSystem describe a set of three Axes positioned at some arbitrary origin in space.
FastMath FastMath provides 'fast' math approximations and float equivalents of Math functions.
PLocatableVector The PLocatableVector encapsulates a PVector to use as a Locatable object.
PropertySet The PropertySet encapsulates the named properties of an object.
RandomLocation A locatable which responds with a random location.
SpatialList The SpatialList class is used to keep track of the TextObjects in a spatially organised fashion in order to facilitate proximity and collision queries.
TextObject An object in the core text data.
TextObjectBuilder Factory class used for creating TextObjects and adding them to NextText.
TextObjectGlyph TextObjectGlyph represents an individual glyph and its vectorial outline in a data structure that is understood by the Renderer.
TextObjectGlyphIterator A utility class used to traverse the Glyph children of a TextObjectGroup.
TextObjectGroup TextObjectGroup is a TextObject which is made up of other TextObjects.
TextObjectIterator A utility class used to traverse the children of a TextObjectGroup.
TextObjectRoot The TextObjectRoot is just like a regular TextObjectGroup except that it contains a reference to the Book it belongs too.
TextPage A page responsible for storing and displaying text

Exception Summary
DataTreeException The text data tree structure cannot be modified in that way.
GeometricException GeometricException.
ObjectNotFoundException This exception is thrown whenever an object was expect to be part of a list but isnt there.