Uses of Class

Packages that use TextObject

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext

Subclasses of TextObject in net.nexttext
 class TextObjectGlyph
          TextObjectGlyph represents an individual glyph and its vectorial outline in a data structure that is understood by the Renderer.
 class TextObjectGroup
          TextObjectGroup is a TextObject which is made up of other TextObjects.
 class TextObjectRoot
          The TextObjectRoot is just like a regular TextObjectGroup except that it contains a reference to the Book it belongs too.

Methods in net.nexttext that return TextObject
 TextObject TextObjectGroup.getLeftMostChild()
          Get the left most Child, or null if there isn't one.
 TextObject TextObject.getLeftSibling()
          Get the left Sibling, or null if there isn't one.
 TextObject TextObjectGroup.getRightMostChild()
          Get the right most Child, or null if there isn't one.
 TextObject TextObject.getRightSibling()
          Get the right Sibling, or null if there isn't one.
          Get the next node in the traversal.

Methods in net.nexttext with parameters of type TextObject
 void SpatialList.add(TextObject to)
          Adds a TextObject to the spatial list.
 void TextObjectGroup.attachChild(TextObject newChild)
          Attach a child to the end of the list of children.
 void TextObjectGroup.attachChild(TextObject newChild, int location)
          Attach a child at the given location.
 void Book.attachText(TextObject to)
 void Book.attachText(TextObject to, java.lang.String pageName)
 void TextObject.attachToLeft(TextObject newLeftSibling)
          Attach the given TextObject to the left of this one.
 void TextObject.attachToRight(TextObject newRightSibling)
          Attach the given TextObject to the right of this one.
 java.util.HashSet<TextObjectGlyph> SpatialList.getPotentialCollisions(TextObject to)
          Redirects to the proper implementation of getPotentialCollisions based on type (TextObjectGlyph or TextObjectGroup)
 void SpatialList.remove(TextObject to)
          Removes a TextObject to the spatial list.
 void Book.removeObject(TextObject to)
          Remove a text object and any children from the tree.

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext.behaviour

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour with parameters of type TextObject
 void Behaviour.addObject(TextObject to)
 void AbstractBehaviour.addObject(TextObject to)
          Add a TextObject to this Behaviour's list of objects to act on.
 Action.ActionResult Action.behave(TextObject to)
          Performs the action on a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult AbstractAction.behave(TextObject to)
          Default behave method for single objects.
 Action.ActionResult Action.behave(TextObject[] to)
          Performs the action on a set of TextObjects
 Action.ActionResult AbstractAction.behave(TextObject[] to)
          Default behave method for object arrays.
 Action.ActionResult Action.behave(TextObject toA, TextObject toB)
          Performs the action on a pair of TextObjects
 Action.ActionResult AbstractAction.behave(TextObject toA, TextObject toB)
          Default behave method for object pairs.
 void Action.complete(TextObject to)
          Inform an Action that it won't need to work on this object any more.
 void AbstractAction.complete(TextObject to)
          Default implementation which removes state information for the object.
 void Behaviour.removeObject(TextObject to)
          Stop this behaviour from acting on a TextObject.
 void AbstractBehaviour.removeObject(TextObject to)
          Stop this behaviour from acting on a TextObject.

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext.behaviour.control

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.control with parameters of type TextObject
 Action.ActionResult Tracker.behave(TextObject to)
          Pass the TextObject on to the contained Action, tracking the object.
 Action.ActionResult Timer.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Selector.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies the current action
 Action.ActionResult Repeat.behave(TextObject to)
          See class description.
 Action.ActionResult OnCollision.behave(TextObject to)
          For each object this one is colliding with, apply the action to the pair of colliding objects.
 Action.ActionResult Multiplexer.behave(TextObject to)
          Apply all the actions to the TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult Descend.behave(TextObject to)
          Apply the given action to the TextObject's descendants.
 Action.ActionResult Delay.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies the delay.
 Action.ActionResult DebugLog.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Condition.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies the trueAction if the result of condition() is true and applies the falseAction otherwise.
 Action.ActionResult Chain.behave(TextObject to)
          Process the current action for the given TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult ApplyToGlyph.behave(TextObject to)
          Apply the given action to the TextObject's descendants.
 void Timer.complete(TextObject to)
 void Multiplexer.complete(TextObject to)
          End the multiplexer for this object.
 void Descend.complete(TextObject to)
          End this action for this object.
 void DebugLog.complete(TextObject to)
 void Condition.complete(TextObject to)
          The Action has ended, pass it on to both sub-actions.
 void Chain.complete(TextObject to)
          The chain has ended for this TextObject, forget internal state.
 void ApplyToGlyph.complete(TextObject to)
          End this action for this object and end the passed in action for all its descendants.
 boolean OnMouseReleasedOver.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is released over the TextObject.
 boolean OnMouseReleased.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is released.
 boolean OnMousePressedOver.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed over the TextObject.
 boolean OnMousePressed.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed.
 boolean OnMouseOverApplet.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
 boolean OnMouseOver.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given TextObject.
 boolean OnMouseOutApplet.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
 boolean OnMouseOut.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse moved off the given TextObject.
 boolean OnMouseInApplet.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
 boolean OnMouseIn.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse moved over the given TextObject.
 boolean OnMouseDepressed.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given TextObject.
 boolean OnDrag.condition(TextObject to)
          Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed over the given TextObject.
 boolean OnButtonDepressed.condition(TextObject to)
 boolean IsInside.condition(TextObject to)
abstract  boolean Condition.condition(TextObject to)
 boolean Tracker.isProcessing(TextObject to)
          Determine if a specific object is being processed by the action.
 void Multiplexer.reset(TextObject to)
          Reset the multiplexer.

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext.behaviour.dform

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.dform with parameters of type TextObject
 Action.ActionResult DForm.behave(TextObject to)
          Default implementation which recursively calls behave on all children.

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext.behaviour.physics

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.physics with parameters of type TextObject
 void PhysicsAction.applyAcceleration(TextObject to, processing.core.PVector acceleration)
          Applies an acceleration to a TextObject.
 void PhysicsAction.applyAngularAcceleration(TextObject to, float angAcc)
          Applies an angular acceleration to a TextObject.
 void PhysicsAction.applyAngularForce(TextObject to, float angularForce)
          Applies an angular force (torque) to a TextObject.
 void PhysicsAction.applyForce(TextObject to, processing.core.PVector force)
          Applies a force to a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult Stop.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult StayInWindow.behave(TextObject to)
          Constraints the object so that it stays within the visible window.
 Action.ActionResult StayInside.behave(TextObject to)
          Jiggles the object until it's fully contained inside the shape.
 Action.ActionResult Spin.behave(TextObject to)
          Apply behaviour to text object.
 Action.ActionResult Push.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Move.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies Euler motion to a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult Gravity.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Explode.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Approach.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies an acceleration towards the target, with a magnitude proportional to the Speed property.
 Action.ActionResult Bounce.behave(TextObject toA, TextObject toB)
          Performs collision response on toA and toB by pushing them apart an reflecting their velocity.
 NumberProperty PhysicsAction.getAngularVelocity(TextObject to)
 NumberProperty PhysicsAction.getMass(TextObject to)
 PVectorProperty PhysicsAction.getVelocity(TextObject to)

Uses of TextObject in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard with parameters of type TextObject
 Action.ActionResult RandomMotion.behave(TextObject to)
          Moves a TextObject randomly.
 Action.ActionResult MoveTo.behave(TextObject to)
          Add a vector to the position to bring it closer to the target.
 Action.ActionResult MoveBy.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Kill.behave(TextObject to)
          Kills a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult Kern.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult FollowSibling.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Follow.behave(TextObject to)
          Apply the action to a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult FadeTo.behave(TextObject to)
          Applies the Fade action to a TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult DoNothing.behave(TextObject to)
          Does nothing to the TextObject.
 Action.ActionResult CustomAction.behave(TextObject to)
 Action.ActionResult Colorize.behave(TextObject to)