Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBehaviour

Uses of AbstractBehaviour in net.nexttext

Methods in net.nexttext that return types with arguments of type AbstractBehaviour
 java.util.List<AbstractBehaviour> Book.getBehaviourList()
          Returns the BehaviourList
 java.util.Set<AbstractBehaviour> TextObjectBuilder.getGlyphBehaviours()
          Behaviours to be added to each glyph.
 java.util.Set<AbstractBehaviour> TextObjectBuilder.getGroupBehaviours()
          Behaviours to be added to each group.
 java.util.Set<AbstractBehaviour> TextObjectBuilder.getWordBehaviours()
          Behaviours to be added to each glyph.

Methods in net.nexttext with parameters of type AbstractBehaviour
 void Book.addBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Adds a Behaviour to the Book.
 void TextObjectBuilder.addGlyphBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created glyphs will get this behaviour.
 void Book.addGlyphBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Adds the given Behaviour to the list of Behaviours applied to new TextObjectGlyphs.
 void TextObjectBuilder.addGroupBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created groups will get this behaviour.
 void Book.addGroupBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Adds the given Behaviour to the list of Behaviours applied to new TextObjectGroups.
 void TextObjectBuilder.addWordBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created words will get this behaviour.
 void Book.addWordBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Adds the given Behaviour to the list of Behaviours applied to new words.
 void Book.removeBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Removes a Behaviour from the Book.
 void TextObjectBuilder.removeGlyphBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created glyphs will no longer get this behaviour.
 void Book.removeGlyphBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Removes the given Behaviour from the list of Behaviours applied to new TextObjectGlyphs.
 void TextObjectBuilder.removeGroupBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created groups will no longer get this behaviour.
 void Book.removeGroupBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Removes the given Behaviour from the list of Behaviours applied to new TextObjectGroups.
 void TextObjectBuilder.removeWordBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Created words will no longer get this behaviour.
 void Book.removeWordBehaviour(AbstractBehaviour b)
          Removes the given Behaviour from the list of Behaviours applied to new words.

Uses of AbstractBehaviour in net.nexttext.behaviour

Subclasses of AbstractBehaviour in net.nexttext.behaviour
 class Behaviour
          Basic Behaviour class.

Uses of AbstractBehaviour in net.nexttext.behaviour.physics

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.physics that return AbstractBehaviour
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.collide()
          Collide is a behaviour which performs collision response when TextObjects collide with each other
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.explode()
          Explode gives a one time velocity push to objects in a random direction.
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.follow()
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.move()
          Basic move.
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.stayInWindow(processing.core.PApplet p)
          Keeps objects inside the visible window, bouncing them off when they reach an edge.
static AbstractBehaviour PhysicsFactory.throwable()

Uses of AbstractBehaviour in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard

Methods in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard that return AbstractBehaviour
static AbstractBehaviour StandardFactory.draggable()
static AbstractBehaviour StandardFactory.followMouse()
static AbstractBehaviour StandardFactory.randomMotion()