canComplete - Variable in class net.nexttext.behaviour.Action.ActionResult
Indicate if the Action can ever complete for this object.
cartesianToSpherical(PVector, PVector) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Converts a point from Cartesian coordinates (using positive Y as up) to Spherical and stores the results in the store var.
cartesianZToSpherical(PVector, PVector) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Converts a point from Cartesian coordinates (using positive Z as up) to Spherical and stores the results in the store var.
ceil(float) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Rounds a fValue up.
CENTER - Static variable in class net.nexttext.input.Mouse
Chain - Class in net.nexttext.behaviour.control
A series of Actions, each of which is executed when the previous one is complete.
Chain(List<Action>) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Chain
Creates a new Chain with the given actions.
Chain() - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Chain
Create a new Chain with no actions.
ChaosPull - Class in net.nexttext.behaviour.dform
ChaosPull is similar to Pull except that the control points get into a chaotic state when they reach the target.
ChaosPull(Locatable, int) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
ChaosPull(Locatable) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
Constructor creates a ChaosPull at the target with a default strength of 1200.
ChaosPull(float, float, int) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
Constructor creates a ChaosPull at x,y.
ChaosPull(float, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
Constructor creates a ChaosPull at x,y with a default strength of 1200.
ChaosPull(float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
Constructor creates a ChaosPull at x,y,z with a default strength of 1200.
ChaosPull(float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.ChaosPull
Constructor creates a ChaosPull at x,y,z.
chaosPull() - Static method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.dform.DFormFactory
Creates a ChaosPull behaviour that deforms when the left button is pressed and reform when not.
checkAllEdges() - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.TriangulationVertex
Check if all edges are ok.
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Take a float input and clamp it between min and max.
clear() - Method in class net.nexttext.Book
Removes all the TextObjects from all the TextPages in the Book, except for all the TextObjectRoots.
clear() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.PVectorListProperty
Clears out the content of the list
clearPage(String) - Method in class net.nexttext.Book
Removes all the TextObjects from the given TextPage, except for the TextObjectRoot.
clone() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.ColorProperty
clone() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.DateTimeProperty
clone() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.Property
Get a new property with the same values as this one.
clone() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.PVectorListProperty
clone() - Method in class net.nexttext.property.PVectorProperty
close() - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.ClosedPolygon
Close the polygon.
ClosedPolygon - Class in net.nexttext.renderer.util
ClosedPolygon Created on 23.
ClosedPolygon() - Constructor for class net.nexttext.renderer.util.ClosedPolygon
ClosedPolygon.Distance - Class in net.nexttext.renderer.util
Distance helper class.
ClosedPolygon.Distance(int, int, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.renderer.util.ClosedPolygon.Distance
collide() - Static method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.physics.PhysicsFactory
Collide is a behaviour which performs collision response when TextObjects collide with each other
Colorize - Class in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard
Fades the color of an object to a new color over time.
Colorize(Color, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.standard.Colorize
The Colorize action will only influence the fill colour.
Colorize(Color, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.standard.Colorize
The Colorize action is applied to the given glyph colour component (i.e.
Colorize(Color, float, Color, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.standard.Colorize
The Colorize action is applied to the fill and the stroke colours, according to the given values.
ColorProperty - Class in net.nexttext.property
A colour property of a TextObject or a Behaviour.
ColorProperty() - Constructor for class net.nexttext.property.ColorProperty
Creates a new ColorProperty using java.awt.Color.black by default.
ColorProperty(Color) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.property.ColorProperty
Creates a new ColorProperty from the java.awt.Color object.
combine(Action.ActionResult) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.Action.ActionResult
Combine multiple ActionResults into a single one.
combine(double[], Object[], float[], Object[]) - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.OpenGLTextPageRenderer.TessCallback
Implementation of the GLU_TESS_COMBINE callback.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.AbstractAction
Default implementation which removes state information for the object.
complete - Variable in class net.nexttext.behaviour.Action.ActionResult
Indicate that the action has completed.
complete(TextObject) - Method in interface net.nexttext.behaviour.Action
Inform an Action that it won't need to work on this object any more.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.ApplyToGlyph
End this action for this object and end the passed in action for all its descendants.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Chain
The chain has ended for this TextObject, forget internal state.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Condition
The Action has ended, pass it on to both sub-actions.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.DebugLog
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Descend
End this action for this object.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Multiplexer
End the multiplexer for this object.
complete(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Timer
Condition - Class in net.nexttext.behaviour.control
A Condition splits the data flow in two according to the result of the abstract condition() method.
Condition(Action, Action) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Condition
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.Condition
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.IsInside
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnButtonDepressed
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnDrag
Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed over the given TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseDepressed
Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseIn
Checks whether or not the mouse moved over the given TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseInApplet
Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseOut
Checks whether or not the mouse moved off the given TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseOutApplet
Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseOver
Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseOverApplet
Checks whether or not the mouse is over the given PApplet.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMousePressed
Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMousePressedOver
Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is pressed over the TextObject.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseReleased
Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is released.
condition(TextObject) - Method in class net.nexttext.behaviour.control.OnMouseReleasedOver
Checks whether or not the selected mouse button is released over the TextObject.
contours - Variable in class net.nexttext.TextObjectGlyph
A vector containing int[] arrays with indices to the Control Points property list.
CoordinateSystem - Class in net.nexttext
A CoordinateSystem describe a set of three Axes positioned at some arbitrary origin in space.
CoordinateSystem() - Constructor for class net.nexttext.CoordinateSystem
Creates a "default" CoordinateSystem where the origin is (0,0,0) and each axes is a unit vector.
CoordinateSystem(PVector, float) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.CoordinateSystem
Creates a CoordinateSystem with the specified origin and rotation
CoordinateSystem(PVector, float, CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.CoordinateSystem
Creates a CoordinateSystem with the specified origin and rotation, then transforms it by the specified parent system.
copysign(float, float) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
cos(float) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Returns cos of a value.
cos(double) - Static method in class net.nexttext.FastMath
Returns cos of a value.
createEdge(Vertex, boolean) - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.DoublyConnectedEdgeList
createEdge(TriangulationVertex, boolean) - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.Triangulator
createIntBuffer(int) - Static method in class net.nexttext.renderer.P3DTextPageRenderer
Create a new IntBuffer of the specified size.
createIntBuffer(int) - Static method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.Triangulator
Create a new IntBuffer of the specified size.
createVertex(int, PVector) - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.DoublyConnectedEdgeList
createVertex(int, PVector) - Method in class net.nexttext.renderer.util.Triangulator
cross(PVector) - Method in class net.nexttext.property.PVectorProperty
Wrapper around vector cross product of Vector3 class
CustomAction - Class in net.nexttext.behaviour.standard
An action that calls back a function defined in the main Processing sketch.
CustomAction(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.standard.CustomAction
Constructs a default CustomAction.
CustomAction(PApplet, String) - Constructor for class net.nexttext.behaviour.standard.CustomAction